About RRECPTA Community Service

Each month our committee plans a different service project. Sometimes we collect specific items that are needed by a local charity, other times we plan events that involve our children in helping in the community is some way.  Our committee aims to make the world a happier place in any small way that we can.  

Suggestions Welcome!

If you have a charity you wish to support or have suggestions on how RRECPTA can be of service, please contact us at rrecptacommunityservice@gmail.com with your ideas.  We would love to hear your suggestions!

2023 Community Service Efforts

Cleveland Animal Protective League
Spring seems to have arrived early this year! If you are like me, you're in spring cleaning mode. This month, we will be collecting your old towels, beach towels, sheets, and blankets for the Cleveland Animal Protective League. We will also be collecting pet food, cat litter, and all things pet related that you would like to donate. Visit their website to see their greatest needs.

Packing and Sorting event
Join us March 14 for an evening to help pack and sort the food pantry for the Rocky River Assistance Program. RSVP by March 13.

Earth Day at the library
Come celebrate Earth Day at Rocky River Public Library April 22 at 10 a.m. Join us for a storytime and craft to help our kiddos learn about how we can protect our planet.

RSVP today.

Ongoing Community Service for Laura's Home

What is Laura’s Home? For women and children, we are a bridge from crisis to stability and self-sufficiency. Today, hundreds of single-mothers and their children are experiencing or on the verge of homelessness in our city. With 166 beds and 55 rooms, Laura’s Home offers a variety of services intended to prepare women and children for positive, productive futures.

So, has your child just outgrown a diaper size and now you are wondering what to do with the box? Have baby toiletries given to you that are not your brand? Have unopened formula you will not use? Laura’s Home is ALWAYS in need of:

• Disposable diapers of all sizes infant to toddler
• Baby wipes (especially without perfumes or dyes)
• Baby formula
• Baby lotion, shampoo, wash, oil and powder

These items will be accepted at every meeting or drop off a donations (to the bin on the patio) or have them delivered using smile.amazon.com (for Ohio Congress Rocky River Early Childhood): 21484 Kenwood Avenue, Rocky River, OH.