Next General Meeting: Thursday 4/3/2025 at the Rocky River Public Library

We’re also looking for enthusiastic volunteers to chair some of our open committee positions, including:

  • H.O.P.E. Committee Chair

  • RRECPTA Resale Event with BVECPTA (Spring Event)

  • Advocacy, Publicity, Recruiting Chair

If you’re interested in leading one of these events or know someone who might be, please email us at

If you know other Rocky River parents with infants, toddlers, young children starting kindergarten, or those who are soon-to-be parents, please share this email with them. We’d love to welcome them into our community! For more information, visit rrecpta.orgor email us at with any questions.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We look forward to a fun new member night, monthly meetings, Friday night crafts, Homecoming, Santa visits, and so much more! 

Creating Connections in Our Community

Registration for the 2024-2025 academic year is now open!

The new school season is upon us and with that is the start of the 2024-2025 RRECPTA year! For parents of infants, toddlers, little ones going into kindergarten, and soon-to-be parents, we welcome you to join! The membership store is now open!

With your $35 registration fee, you’ll gain membership to Rocky River Early Childhood PTA (RRECPTA) and receive exclusive member benefits, such as:

  • Events for both children and adults

  • Connection to parents (current and expectant) in Rocky River or surrounding communities

  • Special discounts to certain organized events throughout the year

  • Access to our Facebook group to connect with other local parents

  • And more.

Sign up today.

Please email if you have any questions.